Classic massage
Massage is one of the methods of manual therapy, which is aimed at increasing muscle metabolism and relaxing the musculature, relieving stress and preventing ailments with various massages. With massage, increased venous circulation also facilitates tissue swelling, metabolism and fluid circulation.
In Turku, classic massage is offered by:
Naprapath Vera Kesälä and Osteopath Petri Palviainen
How does sports massage differ from classical massage?
Sports massage differs the most from classical massage in that massage extracts are applied in a more diverse way and the treatment is personalized. Soft tissue is mobilized, fascia techniques are used, stretches are performed, the muscle is pre-stretched or can be processed from the muscle during load, as well as going really precisely to the starting and fixing points of the muscle. A lot of stress or strain injuries brought on by sports and work are treated.
In their work, Vera Kesälä and Petri Palviainen try to find the reason why, for example, the neck and shoulder area is sore or why the lower back is constantly sore. For example, a static working position, constant monotonous load or training, and weakness of the counter-influencing muscles may be the causative factors.
What is sports massage?
Many people think of sports massage as a really painful and brutal treatment. Sports massage is the application of what has been learned. Whether it's an athlete graduating from a competition, shoulders aching from workload, a body going into overdrive, or muscles that don't recover as usual. In all these situations, there is a different way to go for treatment. If necessary, we go precisely a small area or go with wider grips lightly in order to get the most out of the training or competition of the coming day.
Who can apply for a sports massage?
Young people, working-age people, pensioners, active exercisers, competitive athletes, etc. Anyone can seek a massage, even if we are talking about sports massage. Each treatment is done individually and the aim is to find the right techniques for you in order to get the best possible result from the treatment.
We offer sports massage:
Naprapath Vera Kesälä, Osteopath Petri Palviainen and sports massage therapist Mika Kaski
At KiHy, we also offer massage with osteopathic techniques as well as physiotherapeutic massage with the possibility of physiotherapeutic consultation and simple home instructions.