Pelvis and hip pains

Hip and pelvic ailments are commonly found in athletes and older people, but also during pregnancy. The type of treatment of ailments depends a lot on the ailment. In some places, rehabilitation is the only way, while on the other hand, more emphasis is placed on manual therapy.

Haven't been diagnosed with your ailment yet?

Pelvic and hip symptoms are diagnosed by physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen, Osteopath Petri Palviainen and Riku Rantanen. Book an appointment for your first visit and let's find out the origin of your symptoms together!

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On this page you will find information on these topics: (click to jump to the section)

Pain in the buttock area?

Hamstring tendon problem, high hamstring tendinopathy

High hamstring tendinopathy is a tendon problem of the upper hamstring attachment site that commonly aches in the area of the seat nodule and upper hamstrings. The pain may be felt as a whistling or tearing muscle when stretching, such as when folding forward or in running situations. In bad cases, even sitting becomes painful.

The effort occurs quite a lot in athletes such as runners, dancers, gymnasts and skaters, but also in strength sports. The cause of the ailment is commonly microtraumas that have occurred in the tendon, as well as monotonous overstrain. In treatment, it is important to reduce the strain on the tendon. Manual therapy can be very helpful in relieving pain.

SI-Joint Problems

Pain in the SI joint occurs locally in the back of the pelvis, as well as in the lower back. which may also radiate around the buttocks and even the groin in some places. Similar pain may make it difficult, for example, to bend forward, lift the leg or sit down.

The SI joint is one of the strongest structures in the body and it would take really high-energy trauma to leave its place or achieve a misalignment. In the hand, it is impossible that the SI joint could move a few millimetres more. However, the joint and its structures can become irritated and be involved in causing lower back problems.

Similar ailments at KiHy have focused on treating Jussi Järvinen and Vera Kesälä

Pelvic and hip care KiHy Turku

Pain and bursitis of the outer edge of the hip.

Pain on the outer edge of the hip is a fairly common condition that may bother you, for example, when walking up stairs or getting up. Often the condition is diagnosed as bursitis, but according to current understanding, more and more pain conditions in the outer edge of the hip would be tendon-related.

Naturally, the treatment of tendon problems is very different from the treatment of bursa, where primarily stress should be avoided and inflammation of the bursa removed. In the case of tendon problems, the aim is often to ease the discomfort through exercise.

Problems with the hip joint

The hip area is subjected to a lot of stress and most hip ailments are stress-related. Irritable structures can include bone, cartilage or soft tissue. In older people, degeneration of the hip area often causes pain and makes it difficult to move. There is good evidence for exercise and exercise in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis, almost regardless of its severity.

Camn & Pincer ailments are irritation caused by bone tissue that occurs at the edges of the hip plate. The condition is not serious, but it can irritate the hip when reaching the extremes of the trajectories. These occur especially in hockey players and skaters. The treatment of the ailment is often the lightening of the irritating exertion and, accordingly, therapeutic brushes in its place.

These symptoms are treated by:

Jenni Aaltonen

Physiotherapist graduated from Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Check it out here

Petri Palviainen

Massage with osteopathic techniques.
Check it out here

Jussi Järvinen

Internationally awarded chiropractor.
Check it out here

Vera Kesälä

Naprapath & Trained Masseur
Check it out here

Riku Rantanen

Orthopedic osteopath and strength coach
Check it out here

Elisa Lahti

Physiotherapist and trained masseur
Check it out here

We always strive to provide treatment that is as fast, cost-effective and based on the latest research results as possible.

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