Shins, calves and ankles

Of the ailments in the lower leg and ankle area, traumatic ankle strain injuries and stress-related ailments such as distemper bring the most work. With aging, inflammation of the heel membrane also occurs more.

Haven't been diagnosed with your ailment yet?

The symptoms of the lower leg, calf and ankle are diagnosed by physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen, Naprapath Vera Kesälä and Riku Rantanen. Book an appointment for your first visit and let's find out the origin of your symptoms together!

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There are several specific problems with the foot, but in many cases, nonspecific dysfunctions can also cause problems with the foot and its function due to altered stress. In general, foot problems are treated at KiHy by physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen

On this page you will find information on these topics: (click to jump to the section)

Plantar fasciopathy, or inflammation of the stem membrane

Inflammation of the heel membrane or plantar fasciopathy is a more common problem of the sole of the foot, in which inflammation and degeneration of the tendon membrane structure causes pain and makes it difficult to walk. In general, the ailment is stress-related, but in some places there may be minor trauma to the structures of the heel membrane. In addition to the ailment, some people may have a small bone spike around the heel.

The exact causes of plantar fasciopathy are not clear, but pronation of the feet and poor work shoes, for example, can play a role. However, the biggest role seems to be played by overexertion.

Inflammation of the heel membrane manifests itself as pain in the sole of the foot, sometimes focusing on the areas of the inner edge and heel of the foot. Typical for pain is the presence of long exertion, stretching, as well as when leaving for traffic after a break. Using the foot in general eases the pain.

The length of the ailment is quite individual and already in the evenings this makes it easier already in weeks, while for others you can continue for several months.

The treatment of plantar fasciopathy is mainly therapeutic practice, although manual therapy can also be used as a support.

At KiHy, Jenni Aaltonen specializes in the treatment of ailments and together with you creates a rehabilitation plan,
in order to reduce the length of the ailment as much as possible.

Tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon

Tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon is an ailment in which the Achilles tendon is subjected to pain when strained. The tendon may also feel swelling or thickening, which may make the ankle feel stiff.

In the treatment of the Achilles tendon, an important role is played by minimizing potentially irritating exertion and relieving pain. In cases of tendinopathy, rehabilitation begins with therapeutic training. Individual insoles or manual therapy can be used as a support for this.

Achilles tendon ruptures occur in varink sports with rapid changes of direction and accelerations. There are different degrees of rupture and rehabilitation depends entirely on the degree and nature of the rupture.

Physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen focuses on Achilles tendon rehabilitation.

Ankle ligament injuries

The majority of ankle ligament injuries are caused by a sprained ankle that has turned in. These injuries can be generally classified into three different categories depending on their severity. Ligament injury of the first type is the most common and this can cause local swelling and pain but usually the foot can be walked. Accordingly, injuries of the two and third types are more difficult and take longer to heal.

With ligament injuries, the movement control of the ankle area deteriorates with disturbed proprioception (posture sensation), and it is typical that an ankle that has already been sprained once experiences the same fate again later.

In order to avoid new ligament injuries, a physiotherapist can, for example, create a rehabilitation program for the ankle with you, which aims to improve the movement control and control of the ankle.


Distemper is a pain condition in the lower leg area that is commonly caused by excessive exertion and tissue irritation. Irritated tissues can include muscles, fascias or even bone tissue.  

Canine distemper is usually symptomatic in the anterior or lateral parts of the lower leg, while disorders of the calf muscle area cause more calf pain.

Common causes of distemper are movement disorder problems and incorrect postures in both walking and running. Foot (or ankle) dysfunction can be part of irritating the structures that move the ankle and thus creating overexertion states.

In the treatment of distemper, it is important to determine the type of exertion that irritates, as well as to look for possible unfavorable movement patterns that may be creating the problem.

Canine distemper is treated at KiHy by Jenni Aaltonen and Vera Kesälä

These symptoms are treated by:

Jenni Aaltonen

Physiotherapist graduated from Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Check it out here

Vera Kesälä

Naprapath & Trained Masseur
Check it out here

Riku Rantanen

Orthopedic osteopath and strength coach
Check it out here

Elisa Lahti

Physiotherapist and trained masseur
Check it out here

We always strive to provide treatment that is as fast, cost-effective and based on the latest research results as possible.

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