Arms and hands

Hands are many tasks and hobbies. Listed below are the non-traumatic symptoms that we often work with.

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The symptoms of the arm and hands are diagnosed by Naprapath Vera Kesälä, Physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen and Osteopath Petri Palviainen. Book an appointment for your first visit and let's find out the origin of your symptoms together!

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On this page you will find information on these topics: (click to jump to the section)

Golf and tennis elbow

Golf elbow is a pain condition in the nodule on the inside of the elbow joint. This is tendinopathy, i.e. a condition affecting the tendons, as a result of which the use of the hand often causes pain and thus the functional capacity of the hand is impaired.

Often the pain is localized around the elbow area, but in some places the pain can radiate to the upper arm or even to the fingers. The force of compression of the hand may also decrease.

Risk factors for a golfer's elbow generally include monotonous exertion. This may include the continuous use of a screwdriver by an electrical technician.

Tennis elbow , or lateral epicondylitis, is almost a mirror image of golf elbow. In this case, the focus of pain is on the outer edge of the elbow.

Sometimes bursites in the elbow area also become irritated and inflamed, but this swelling and redness caused by these distinguishes them from golf and tennis elbows. Treatment of bursitis does not include manual treatment.



In most cases, it is good to strive for the reduction or elimination of provocative stress so that the area is not so sensitive. Various pain-relieving methods (e.g. NSAIDs and cold) can be tried. Some may benefit slightly from massage or kinesiology taping.

Contrary to intuition, the treatment is often a progressive strain on the hand, within the limits of pain, towards normal hand function. The ailment is generally challenging and e.g. the benefits of surgical treatment seem to be incomplete.

In Turku, golf and tennis elbows are treated by:
Physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen, Osteopath Petri Palviainen and Naprapath Vera Kesälä


A ganglion is a bulge in the joint capsule or tendon sheath that appears on the wrist as a small patt. Most often this is painless, but in some cases the ganglion may press on the nerve tissue, causing pain in the hand. The treatment for these is often waiting or, if necessary, emptying the ganglion.

Arm and hand symptoms KiHy Turku

Carpal tunnel stenosis

Carpal tunnel stenosis or carpal tunnel syndrome is generally caused slowly as a result of exertion or increased swelling (e.g. diabetes). In women, the ailment is slightly more common than in men. Typical symptoms of carpal tunnel stenosis include numbness of the fingers (thumb forefinger and middle finger), pain, tingling or weakness. It is also possible that the pain radiates slightly up the arm.

Symptoms may get worse from static exertion, or from taking your wrists to extreme positions. The ailment also occurs during pregnancy.

In order to get the best treatment, potential irritants should be mapped out and reducing them plays a big role. Otherwise, efforts are made to normalize the trajectories of the wrists according to what the pain allows.


In Turku, the following are familiar with carpal tunnel narrowings:
Physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen, Osteopath Petri Palviainen and Naprapath Vera Kesälä

Numbness of the hands

Most commonly, behind numbness of the hands are various superficial states of the nerves. Nerve compression can occur anywhere between the wrist and the cervical spine. The therapist's job is to find out at what point the corresponding nerve pinch occurs and how to start treating this.

It is very common to experience numbness of the hands every now and then, especially if you sleep on your hand at night. In this case, it is a matter of instantaneous nerve compression. Longer-term superficial conditions may be felt at work or in hobby activities, and a feeling of numbness or tingling often occurs. Nerve compression can also cause radiant pain throughout the limb, as happens with e.g. with intervertebral disc bulges.

It is a good idea to find out the various causes of numbness with professionals. In this respect, no clear cause is found, usually referred to a doctor and examinations as needed.

In Turku, numbing rooms are specialized in:
Physiotherapist Jenni Aaltonen, Osteopath Petri Palviainen and Naprapath Vera Kesälä

Tendon sheath inflammation

In tendon pupitis, the tissue surrounding the tendon is irritated and is causing pain. Moving your wrist feels bad in the beginning, but after a little use it usually gets easier. Wrist support problems are often most sensitive after a longer period of inactivity, such as in the morning. These occur a lot, for example, in office workers.

Treatment of tendon sheathitis depends on the severity of the ailment. When mild, it can be manual handling and training. In bad cases, surgical.

These symptoms are treated by:

Jenni Aaltonen

Physiotherapist graduated from Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Check it out here

Petri Palviainen

Massage with osteopathic techniques.
Check it out here

Vera Kesälä

Naprapath & Trained Masseur
Check it out here

Elisa Lahti

Physiotherapist and trained masseur
Check it out here

We always strive to provide treatment that is as fast, cost-effective and based on the latest research results as possible.

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